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set on fire artinya

contoh kalimat "set on fire"
  • But it was set on fire and became all black.
    Tapi disiapkan untuk kebakaran, jadinya hitam.
  • When the town hall was set on fire, Ugolino surrendered.
    Ketika balai kota dibakar, Ugolino menyerah.
  • Many villages were reportedly set on fire or destroyed.
    Banyak desa dilaporkan telah dibakar atau dihancurkan.
  • He got shot to hell and set on fire.
    Dia terluka karena tertembak dan dibakar.
  • Oh, my God, it's the cop we set on fire.
    Oh, Tuhanku. itu polisi yang kita bakar.
  • The bodies and cars were set on fire after insurgents started
    Jasad dan mobilnya dibakar setelah pemberontakan dimulai
  • On 27 February 1933, the Reichstag building was set on fire.
    Pada 27 Februari 1933, gedung Reichstag terbakar.
  • You were set on fire and left for dead.
    Kau dibakar sampai mati.
  • Let the buses be set on fire. Let a few shops be robbed
    Biarkan bus akan dibakar Biarkan beberapa toko dirampok
  • The Hungarian police say he was attacked and set on fire.
    Polisi Hongaria mengatakan dia diserang, dan dibakar. Itu tidak benar.
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